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Terms and Conditions of use of the website

Terms of use

The website (the “Site”) is managed by Daniele Battisti, director of Battisti Home S.r.l. , an Italian company with registered and operational headquarters in Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II No. 306, VAT number 16048801001 The conditions and terms specified below apply to the content of the entire Site and, together with any page or document to which these conditions and terms may refer, they constitute the terms and conditions under which the Administration allows the use of the Site. Access to the contents of the Site is subject to careful reading and acceptance of these Terms and conditions of use (the “Conditions”). Use of the Site implies full acceptance of the Conditions.
By logging in or using the services on the Site, the User accepts these Terms of Use. In the event of non-acceptance, the User must refrain from using the Site. Battisti Home srl invites Users of the Site to periodically consult these Terms of Use and other sections of the Site such as the Information on the processing of personal data ( Privacy Policy), the information on the use of cookies (cookie policy) also in order to check for any updates or changes.

1. Premise

Industrial and intellectual property.
Battisti Home is the exclusive owner of the contents of the Site, including but not limited to the texts, documents, images, logos, photographs, page layout, design, know-how; some of the aforementioned contents may be covered by copyright, trademarks, patents, models and / or other industrial and intellectual property rights recognized by Italian and international law. No content of the Site can be considered or interpreted as licensed by Battisti Home or as the subject of any other right of use by users and / or third parties.
Many sections of this Site are also accessible without the need for registration. Other sections, on the other hand, require registration by providing certain personal identification data of the user. For the processing of such data, the Administrator complies with the Privacy Policy.
The Administrator reserves the right to modify the Conditions set out below at any time by simply updating this page of legal notices. Therefore, interested parties are invited to periodically check the most updated version of these Conditions. It is also underlined that some of the terms or conditions specified below could be waived and superseded by specific provisions reported in other sections of the Site.

2. License Terms

Salvo quanto diversamente disposto in queste stesse Condizioni o in altre sezioni del Sito, tutti i diritti d’autore e qualunque altro diritto di proprietà intellettuale o industriale o qualunque altro diritto di qualunque natura in uno qualunque dei contenuti o degli aspetti del Sito, appartiene all’Amministratore o sono concessi in licenza all’Amministratore da parte dei rispettivi titolari. Tali opere sono protette dalle leggi locali e dai trattati internazionali in materia di proprietà industriale e diritto d’autore, ed i diritti sulle stesse sono espressamente riservati. E’ vietato qualunque utilizzo dei contenuti del Sito che non sia espressamente consentito da queste Condizioni. In caso di violazione di una qualunque delle Condizioni, l’Amministratore si riserva il diritto di vietare l’accesso al Sito e di richiedere l’immediata restituzione o distruzione di qualunque materiale stampato o scaricato dal Sito.
E’ consentito all’Utente di stampare o scaricare alcuni estratti del Sito limitatamente ad un uso strettamente personale e a condizione che:

• nessun documento o elemento grafico del Sito sia modificato in alcun modo;
• nessun elemento grafico del Sito venga utilizzato separatamente dal testo di riferimento;
• qualunque copia, cartacea o digitale, dei materiali scaricati o stampati dal Sito venga modificata in alcun modo, così come non è consentito l’utilizzo disgiunto delle immagini, fotografie, video, audio, grafica o altro rispetto ai Credits ad essi relativi.
Deve sempre essere attestata la posizione dell’Amministratore, o della/e persona/e da questi indicata/e, quale autore del materiale pubblicato sul Sito.
Salvo quanto stabilito sopra, nessuna parte del Sito potrà essere riprodotta o archiviata in un qualunque altro sito web o inclusa in un qualunque sistema di archiviazione e ricerca di informazioni o di erogazione di servizi, senza il preventivo consenso dell’Amministratore.
Qualunque altro diritto o autorizzazione non espressamente menzionati in queste condizioni sono espressamente riservati.

3. Access to the site

L’Amministratore farà quanto possibile, secondo uno standard di ragionevolezza commerciale, per fare in modo che il Sito sia sempre accessibile. Tuttavia, l’Amministratore non sarà responsabile se, per una qualunque ragione, il Sito possa essere indisponibile anche solo per limitati periodi di tempo.
L’accesso al Sito può essere temporaneamente sospeso, anche senza preavviso, nel caso di errori di sistema, necessità di assistenza o manutenzione, o per qualunque altra ragione al di là del ragionevole controllo dell’Amministratore.
L’utilizzatore è responsabile in proprio per l’attivazione ed il mantenimento di tutti gli accordi e servizi che consentono l’accesso al Sito.
Senza il preventivo consenso scritto di Battisti Home, è espressamente vietato l’accesso non autorizzato alle aree riservate del sito Web, in quanto ciò costituisce violazione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale di Battisti Home.
Se l’Utente riceve un codice di identificazione, password o qualsiasi altra informazione in ragione delle procedure di sicurezza di Battisti Home srl, dovrà trattare tale informazione come riservata e non divulgarla a terzi.
Battisti Home si riserva il diritto di disattivare in qualsiasi momento il codice di identificazione e o la password, scelti dall’Utente o assegnati da Battisti Home srl, se, a suo giudizio, l’Utente non ha rispettato anche solo parzialmente le presenti Condizioni.
Qualora l’Utente sappia o sospetti che un altro soggetto sia a conoscenza del suo codice di identificazione o della sua password, dovrà darne immediata comunicazione a Battisti Home srl, inviando una mail all’indirizzo

4. User behavior

With the exception of personal data that will be processed in accordance with what has just been specified, any material, content, etc. transmitted or posted on the Site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. Therefore, the Administrator assumes no obligation with reference to such information and materials and will be deemed authorized to acquire a copy, transmit, disclose, use such materials, both for commercial purposes and for other purposes.
The User undertakes not to insert or transmit any material on or from the Site:

• that is intimidating, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive, such as to incite racial hatred, discriminatory or discriminatory, threatening, scandalous, inciting, blasphemous, violating the obligations of secrecy, violating privacy or that may in any way cause annoyance or damage; or
• for which the necessary licenses or approvals have not been obtained; or
• which represents and / or encourages behaviors that could be considered forms of crime, that could give rise to the responsibility of anyone, that are in any way contrary to the law, public order or morality or that harm the rights of third parties in any part in the world; or
• that cause damage (including, by way of example and without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, defective components, corrupted data or other software with harmful content or capable of damaging).
The User may not abuse the Site (including, by way of example and not limited to, by carrying out hacking activities).
The Administrator will actively cooperate with the public authorities responsible for carrying out investigations and will comply with any court order requesting or ordering the Administrator to reveal the identity or to identify the subjects who transmit or insert material that does not comply with the law and / or the above.

5. Site registrations

Each registration on the Site is valid for one user only. Any identification code, password, username or other, and constitutive part of the security systems and procedures activated by the Administrator to protect the system and the data stored on the Site. Therefore, they cannot be disclosed to anyone, not even within even a specific group. The Administrator reserves the right to disable the identification code, password and / or user-name relating to any user of the Site, when, in the unquestionable opinion of the Administrator, there has been a violation of any of these Conditions.
The responsibility for the confidentiality and use of the password rests solely with the user who assumes all risk on his own.
The personal data of the registered user will be processed in accordance with the information referred to in the Privacy Policy published on the site which can be viewed at the reference link.

6. Links to other sites

Links to third-party websites on the Site are only proposed to facilitate the use of the contents. By using them, you leave the Site itself. The Administrator does not control or be responsible for how these sites are managed, their content and their availability for use. The Administrator therefore does not guarantee or represent anything about them, or the material that may be found there, or any result that may be obtained from their use. When the User decides to access it by following the links offered by the Site, he does so under his own exclusive responsibility and at his own risk.
If the user wishes to create his own link to the Site, he can do so only on condition that an actual link to the homepage of the Site is created, and that the content of the Site is not replicated, and on condition that:
• the dimensions or characteristics of the Battisti Home brand and its logo are not removed, deformed or in any other way altered;
• no frame is created and / or no other browser or setting is inserted around the Site;
• this link does not imply, even indirectly, that the Administrator is promoting the products or services of third parties;
• with this do not attempt to represent, not even surreptitiously, any form of relationship between the Administrator and the user nor attempt to convey false, biased or distorted information on the Administrator’s account;
• with this do not attempt to use any trademark or logo reproduced on the Site without the prior express written consent of the Administrator;
• this link is not implemented by a site not administered by the user;
• the user’s website does not contain any disgusting, offensive or polemical content, harmful to any intellectual property right or any other third party right or which in any other way violates laws, regulations, public order or morality.
The Administrator reserves the right at any time to revoke the user’s right to create a link to the Site or to take any other measure that is deemed necessary or appropriate in the event that even only one of the terms specified in this section is violated.
The User must indemnify the Administrator for any loss or damage suffered by the Administrator for the violation of any of the conditions established in this section.

7. Important information

The Administrator will ensure that the information published on the Site is always correct and up-to-date, however no guarantee is thereby issued in any way as to the completeness of the information on the Site. The Administrator may at any time modify the Site and its contents, or modify the description of the products and / or services and possibly their prices, and this can also be done without any prior notice. It is understood that the Administrator does not undertake any commitment or obligation to update the material published on the Site.

8. Disclaimer of Liability

The liability of the Administrator, or of any other party acting on its behalf (regardless of whether it was involved in the creation, production, maintenance or implementation of the Site), collaborator, partner or agent, for any amount, is expressly excluded. and for any type of damage that may arise to the user or to any third party (including, by way of example and not limited to, any direct, indirect, emerging damage, loss of profit, damage to business goodwill, loss of data, contractual or non-contractual damage, revaluation, interests or other, deriving from or in any way connected to the interruption of activity, including the fact due to mere omission or negligence, dependent on contractual or non-contractual liability) in any way dependent on operation of the Site or in any way connected to the use, the impossibility of use or the results of use of the Site, or dependent on any other website that is linked to the Site or from the material on such websites, including, without limitation, the loss or damage due to the spread of viruses that may infect the User’s electronic equipment (pc or other), the software, data or other properties used for access, use or browsing of the Site by the User or used to download materials from the Site or from other sites linked to the Site.
This limitation of liability does not intend to exceed the mandatory limits of the law or for cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence. Battisti Home excludes any liability, of a contractual or non-contractual nature, towards the User for damages or losses, arising from or related to:
• use or inability of the User to use the Site;
• use of information or Materials contained on the Site or reliance on them.
The Site is provided exclusively for domestic and / or private use and its use is free.

9. Conditions for using the site

The user assumes all charges and responsibilities for any adaptation of their hardware, software or other equipment or for the repair, maintenance or correction of the same that are necessary in order to access the contents or use the services provided by this Site.

10. Applicable law

These General Terms and Conditions, as well as any relationship between the Administrator and the User, are governed by the national and international legislation in force in Italy. To the extent legally permitted for any legal matter arising from the existence, content and / or interpretation of these Terms and Conditions or from any relationship between the Administrator and the User, the competent court will be that of the city of Rome.

11. Privacy

Registration data and some other information about the User are subject to our Privacy Policy and the use of cookies. For more information, please see our complete privacy policy at

12. Right protection of intellectual property

All content on this website, including but not limited to images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips, is protected by copyright; the “Battisti Home” brand and other service marks and / or other intellectual property rights are owned by Battisti Home or its affiliates or third party content providers, merchants, sponsors and licensors (collectively “Providers”), who have licensed their content or the right to market their products and / or services to Battisti Home.
All intellectual property rights are governed by Italian law, by international laws and by international and EU copyright treaties, by laws on privacy and advertising, and by communication regulations and statutes.
The modification and use of the Contents on any other website or network environment, or the use of the Contents for purposes other than personal ones, is expressly prohibited.
You can request consent by sending a request via email to the Battisti Home Legal Department at
It is forbidden to use the “Battisti Home” trademark and logo or other trademarks and / or service logos or copyrighted materials that appear on this website, without the express written consent of the trademark or copyright owner. . The User may not frame or otherwise incorporate any Content or other material on this website into another website without the prior written consent of Battisti Home.

13. Prohibitions

The use of this website is expressly prohibited and the User agrees not to use or allow others to use this website to:
• take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionate load on the website infrastructure, including but not limited to “spam” or other unsolicited mass email sending techniques;
• upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any information, Content or proprietary rights that you do not have the right to transmit under any laws or contractual or fiduciary relationships;
• violate any local, state, national or international law, including, but not limited to, the rules having the force of law, and / or use the website for any purpose that is illegal or prohibited by these Terms, including but not limited to , the publication or transmission of any threats or defamations, material that is defamatory, obscene, pornographic or contrary to public morality.

14. Contacts

For any question regarding the interpretation of the aforementioned Terms and Conditions of use of this site, you can send an email to


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